Friday, October 24, 2008

Aren't I a Woman Comparison

When the 50 Essays book edits Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I A Woman" to their preferences, her authenticity is taken away from her original speech. In order for any type of literary work to have a sense of authenticity, it has to receive it from the true author of the literary work. By Sojourner Truth having her speech told to the world as she said it, it allows the audience to view who she really was. In Sojourner Truth's original speech, there is her natural dialect. In Sojourner Truth's edited speech, her true dialect is taken away from the audience. When Sojourner Truth has her normal dialect implemented in her speech, she shows the audience how she really is that woman who is a free, courageous slave, who was not scared of what could happen to her if she did publicize her feelings on slavery, women's rights, and the lack of justice in the world but what would happen to her is she did nothing at all. Physical abuse is a temporary pain. Whereas, mental abuse can destroy a person by beginning at their soul and slowly and painfully killing them. Without Sojourner Truth's authentic words in her speech, the authenticity of it would be completely lost for all other audience members, not present on that day, to experience.

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