Sunday, November 16, 2008

Annotated Bibliographies

Black, D. (2007). “Providing a professional service.” Retrieved from



Even though veterinarians can get paid a good amount of money, they are always in competition with each other, for their service. Even though a veterinarian can go through all that schooling and may have attained their doctoral degree, these things still may not be enough to try and convince an animal’s owner that they know what they are talking about and that they can be trusted. Being a veterinarian does not only consist of helping animals get a healthy body or maintain a healthy diet. Being a veterinarian means that you are also helping and aiding the owners of the animals that the veterinarian is administering their care on. It is not an easy task to get clients to listen to a veterinarian. No matter how educated or logical the veterinarian’s advice may sound, there are always those owners who believe that they may know better than the veterinarian and do not need to listen to the veterinarian. If a person had wanted to become a veterinarian that works on a farm, then they are most likely to not be able to receive the many basic skills that are needed by the veterinarian to successfully give care to the animal in need of it from the veterinary schooling provided by very few colleges. These people wanting to become farm veterinarians have to acquire these skills through personal experience and hands-on training. Veterinarians may be highly well - educated, but at times, veterinarians may need to consult other veterinarians in situations, which may have caused the veterinarian to be filled with complete confusion. The article was mainly about how to improve veterinarian companies. Which means that there were very few things that were said about what veterinarians do or anything else that could possibly inform people that want to become veterinarians about a veterinarian’s normal job description. This article has helped me by giving me the realization that, even though a veterinarian may have all that education and that they are labeled as a legal doctor, there will still be individuals that will not respect all the schooling a veterinarian has and will refuse to take the veterinarian’s advice into high consideration.

Clark, L. (2008). “No discouraging moments: Despite being skunked and kicked,

Viewpoint veterinarian enjoyed rewarding career.” Retrieved from



When someone places their self in the line of work of veterinary medicine, they are amplifying their risk of receiving any type of injuries or possible pain that can be inflicted on them. This article gives a basic and simplistic description of what things could be classified as possibilities that can go wrong with the patients that a veterinarian may see. Larry Clark makes sure that his audience members will not become confused or puzzled on what he happens to be talking about, in his article, by placing a direct example of what could happen to a veterinarian when they are working with a very distressed, injured, and ill animal. This article tells all the high school students, from its audience members, that, if they are inspiring to become a veterinarian in their future, then they can look into possibly job shadowing a veterinarian that they may be familiar with. Another thing Larry Clark implements in his article, so that none of his audience members will have to ponder the situation in order to find an answer, is how a real-life scenario of what patients and their owners may act like. Veterinarians have the many opportunities to join the many different animal assisting organizations in this world, and they can use their education and experience to help those that cannot afford a veterinarians normal fee by lowering it or doing it for free. Larry Clark also gave many of the audience members wanting to become veterinarians his advice to how to get started on the right path, stay on the right path, and to use their acquired knowledge to change the world for the best. An inspiring veterinarian should have a great love for all of the animals on this earth. An inspiring veterinarian should a high level of compassion. An inspiring veterinarian should make sure that they are continuously getting good grades throughout their schooling. Veterinary colleges are some of the hardest colleges to try to enroll into. They require many different things from any college students that want to enroll into any of these veterinary colleges. This article continues to mainly talk about People’s social life and talks very little about the veterinary field. This article helped me by giving me credible advice that I can use in my consideration of becoming a veterinarian. It was a credible source because Larry Clark was a veterinarian with many years of experience.

Cockermouth, Lambert, C., Hexham, Lambert, Leonard, May, Millcroft Vet Group,

Morle, P., Scott R., ScottMitchell Associates, Shepton Mallet, Shepton Vet

Group, Wellford, R. (2007). “Vet Viewpoint.” Retrieved from



Veterinarians can give farmers assistance on their cattle. They can give the farmer’s cattle, which have previously been mothers already, help with giving life to a new healthy group of offspring. This new offspring can also be closely duplicated with the intervention of a veterinarian. They complete this almost exact duplication with the use of embryo transfers. Veterinarian’s purpose for working and going through the process of educating themselves is to use all of their knowledge to make the world we live in into a better place. They also are placed with the responsibility of saving as many lives as physically possible. Veterinarians are required to use various types of experimentation to solve any type of problems that they may be faced with. They must find the solutions that will solve the complications that happen to be occurring in their subject’s life. Veterinarians are required to become knowledgeable on how the male’s sperm system operates. With this important knowledge, veterinarians can help owners’ pets or livestock give birth to a healthy and strong set of offspring. The veterinarian has to carry a large majority of the responsibility in ensuring that the farmer’s cattle give birth in the proper format. They are responsible for recording any type of complications that may or are probable to occur to the animal. They must discover administer any treatment that is required for the cattle with the cattle best interests in mind. When giving care to the mother cattle in need of assistance, the veterinarian has to not only worry about the mother’s best interests but the mother’s young’s best interest as well. If the veterinarian does not take precaution in deciding the correct way of helping the pregnant cow feel better, then the veterinarian may be risking both the mother cow and young’s lives. This article talks about both animals and what the animals eat. Even though what the animals eat is a very important thing, it drifts away from the subject of veterinarians. This article helped me by informing me how much veterinarians must analyze a situation and why they must do so.

Kilbane, K. (2008). “Veterinarian Dr. Nancy Whitesell retires after 30 years here: She is

moving to Texas, and may write a book.” Retrieved from vid=12&hid=12&sid=5d11e858-e192-



The article gives a basic but informative history on the veterinarians of our earlier generations. It clearly states that vets of that earlier generation were most likely not women. In fact, at that time, there were a very minute percentage of veterinarians that were of the female gender. All veterinarians are continually requiring themselves to worry about updating the technology they use, the knowledge they acquire, and the medicine that they create and use on their patients. This provides the veterinarian with a large majority of stress to deal with on a daily basis. It places stress on the veterinarian physically, mentally, and psychologically, all at once. The number of women that are in the veterinarian field has also increased to an outstandingly, huge percentage of eighty-five percent. This percentage is found to be so amazing because, as the article stated earlier, women were not likely to be found performing the duties required from the average veterinarian. They were also not usually simply welcomed with open arms by the many sexist people living in that era of time. So, when the percentage of women in the veterinarian field was found to be such a large percentage of eighty-five percent, it was simply amazing that over the passing years from that sexist time era the percentage of women being allowed to educate themselves in the veterinarian science had increased to such a high percentage. Veterinarians happen to meet a large portion of “good” people through their line of work. They meet the people that actually give a care about all the other living creatures on this earth, besides human beings. These are the people who will not simply pass up a helpless animal that just may be lying there on the ground in need of immediate medical attention. They are the people who will bring in any animal in need of a veterinarian and will pay for an animal that is not even under their ownership. The article does not have a single complete paragraph throughout it. There is not even one paragraph that contains a total number of at least eight sentences in it. This article helped me because it informed me how stressful the job of a veterinarian can be, and this stress would be placed on me on a day-to-day basis.

Long, J. (2008). “Untitled.” Retrieved from



Veterinarians provide their assistance with farmers and society by making sure that our food supply is safe for our consumption and that farmers get as much as they can possibly make from their food supply business. Being a veterinarian does not only revolve around the fact they have to take care of injured or ill animals through surgery, check-ups, or any other type of type of treatment. Sometimes, data recording is absolutely necessary to keep the veterinarian up to date with how the animal’s health and current condition is looking. The recording of the data also can be used as evidence to convince those who doubt the credibility of the veterinarian, who recorded the data, that the veterinarian’s ideas and beliefs are correct. It is not always a simple task to try to convince farmers that what a veterinarian thinks is the best form of treatment is usually the most logical and correct solution to choose. Veterinarians will have to work with many other professionals such as nutritional advisors, breeding specialists, and financial consultants. Since these professionals join as one to work together, they are able to solve whatever issue may come about. Veterinarians get paid a good rate for their advice. Veterinarians give the animal owners drugs to help get the changes needed for the sick and hurt animals. Anyone wanting to become a veterinarian that works on mainly farms needs to have certain requirements. Farm veterinarians must have a strong interest in livestock farming. Farm veterinarians must work as a team when it comes to farming. Farm veterinarians must expect to be required to record data and analyze situations. Farm veterinarians must give respect give respect and receive respect from anyone they meet. Farm veterinarians must specialize in the area of a farm animal veterinarian. Being a veterinarian for animals that are found on a farm is considered as a sixteen veterinarian mixed practice. A farm veterinarian must also have the job of being an advisor to industry bodies. The article gave excess information that was not pertaining to the veterinarian field. The article helped me by telling me what to expect if I were to become a veterinarian for farm animals.

Moser, J. (2008). “I Want THAT Job.” Retrieved from



This article provides all of the audience members with the definition of a zoo veterinarian. This article provides all of the audience members wishing to become a zoo veterinarian with possible questions that they may want to ask a zoo veterinarian. With these questions, they provide within the article the answers for the possible questions that could have been asked by those ambitious on becoming a zoo veterinarian. A zoo veterinarian is a veterinarian that is specially trained and educated to work with the many exotic animals that a person can find at a zoo on a daily basis. Since these zoo veterinarians are assigned to work in zoos, they have to observe and care for a large variety of different animals on a day-to-day basis. With this fact in mind, the zoo veterinarian has to be educated on each and every one of these very different and sometimes unique animals. They have to be set with the knowledge of all the different anatomies, behaviors, and characteristics of all the zoo animals. These many zoo animals are very much different from each other in so many ways. Since they are so different from each other, that means that, the zoo veterinarian has the difficult challenge of trying to memorize the many facts needed to perform their daily jobs at the zoo that they happen to work at. Besides simply having to use their minds to memorize facts and details, these zoo veterinarians have to do other things as well. They must give their patients routine examinations to ensure that the animal is healthy. They are responsible to give their subjects any vaccinations that the animal is not up to date with. They have to take care of any injured or ill animals. The starting salary for a zoo veterinarian is at approximately $40,000. If the zoo veterinarian has been working for a longer period of time, then they are can get paid up to about $80,000. When they told Mitch Finnegan’s story, the author was very brief and not very descriptive. The article helped me by giving me a lot of facts on zoo veterinarians.

Parr, M. (2008). “A Life of Care For Clients and Creatures.” Retrieved from



Veterinarians have a tendency to make friends with a good amount of the owners and their pets or livestock. This article gives a very brief history on what veterinarians should preferably be back from the very beginning of the history of veterinarians. In the extremely early years of the blossoming of the veterinarian study, a sexist world was very much present. Women were not considered as smart enough, strong enough, or manly enough to successfully attain the requirements needed to become a veterinarian. Men, at the earlier time in history, believed that women could not acquire these requirements and most definitely could not carry out these requirements. This article describes to all of its audience members what they should expect and be ready for anything to encounter them if they wanted to work on any type of farm. Even though male practices have been more common, the amount of large and local practices continues to remain very numerous and is still standing strong. This article gives all of its audience members an updated version on how a veterinarian is called down for any type of emergencies by farmers. Veterinarians have to demand a lot from themselves. They have to demand both physical and emotional energy and time from themselves. Veterinarians do not only help the animals that they are working on. They help the owners of the animals that they are working on as well. This article main objection was to explain to its audience members what Christine Howe’s interests and life story were. This article did give its audience members true facts, but it also gave them false information as well. This article gave its audience members false information because the author states that he “was interested in medicine, but not in people, so the obvious thing was veterinary science.” (Parr, 3) When someone is a licensed veterinarian, they are not only constantly interacting with many animals on a daily basis but with numerous people as well. This article helped me by keeping me up to date with any current changes that have been made in the average farm veterinarian’s life.

Paulos, L. (2007). “Doggy Doctor.” Retrieved from



Veterinarians save many lives on a daily basis and ease the lives of so many animals and people at the same time. The job of a veterinarian is both extremely time consuming and very much physically demanding. Veterinarians are responsible for a large variety of animals. Also, a veterinarian must always be prepared for an emergency to occur at any point in time. A veterinarian must be mentally and physically prepared for an emergency patient that may need to be given immediate treatment and care. A veterinarian has to worry about the demand of the attention towards recovering surgery patients, new surgery patients, and the regular check-ups that occur on a daily basis. Since a veterinarian works with animals continuously and constantly, the veterinarian would want to have a love for animals and a passion for wanting to help them. The article gives an average amount of patients that could possibly be seen everyday at a veterinarian’s work place. The article gave an example of what a veterinarian’s schedule could look like. When the example schedule is actually observed closely, it is made an obvious fact that a veterinarian’s normal day-to-day schedule takes up a large majority of that veterinarian’s life. A veterinarian can get a salary check starting at $50,000. After the veterinarian has attained a good number of years working as a veterinarian, then the veterinarian can end up getting a paycheck resulting in $90,000. Those inspiring to become veterinarians must have as much knowledge in both math and science as possible before they try to enroll themselves into a veterinary college. Veterinarians must be able to manage both the animals and people they are working with. They must have a love for animals and be disciplined. A veterinarian must have a bachelor’s degree in either animal science or biology. Then the students must try to enroll themselves into a four year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program. The article asks questions but does not provide the audience with the answers. This article helped me by telling me all the requirements that inspiring veterinarians need to have or attain.

“Senior Pet Health Programs Help Older Pets Lead Longer, Healthier Lives,” (2008).

Retrieved from



The main importance of having veterinarians is that they give there assistance to owners in receiving any type of early detection of anything that could possibly cause any harm to the animal that the veterinarian is looking at. Veterinarians give physical examinations to pets varying of all sorts and ages. A veterinarian’s job will consist of helping an animal in lengthening its life span, through keeping the animal in a healthy state. Veterinarians are required to have some kind of knowledge on about almost every single subject that they will be working on or with. They must be informed on facts such as the many different anatomies of animals, average life spans of animals, any diseases that the animal may be highly prone to, and so much more. Veterinarians are required to keep a record of what the subject’s body condition is. With this important information, veterinarians can decide on any exercises or dietary changes that need to be put into effect in the animal’s life. With these necessary changes, the animal’s life would attain a healthy state. After the animal’s life has acquired its proper state of healthiness, then the veterinarian must tell the owner of how they can regulate there animal’s good health. The veterinarian’s physical examination will consist of checking the animal’s gums and teeth, for any type of dental diseases or any of these dental diseases’ horrible symptoms that may be present. The article gave the audience of readers a definition on what dental diseases where. The article also described the audience of readers of how owners of an animal can try to prevent these terrible diseases from occurring in their animal’s mouth. This article gives the many animal owners, in the author’s audience, the numerous things they should look for in their animals that will indicate that something may be wrong with them. Veterinarians administer a large variety of standardized tests, on animals of all sorts that can quickly inform the veterinarian that something is wrong with the animal or that something will be wrong with the animal in the near future. This article is deceiving. It is said that this type of care should be administered to older pets, but this form of care should be used upon pets of all ages. This article helped me by giving me a lot of information how veterinarians help owners.

“Veterinary Technician,” (2006). Retrieved from


Veterinary technicians are very similar to our average nurses. They are mainly assisting veterinarians usually with cats and dog. They are capable of administering medicines, preparing samples for examinations, and recording data on a wide variety of animals. They can be found in a large amount of animal treating facilities. They work about an average of forty hours a week, but their work hours mainly depend on the veterinarians they are working with. They have to go through a minimum of two years of college. Their salaries depend on their experience, employment type, working location, and responsibility level. The Bureau of Labor Statistics starts the average pay at $11.99 in May 2004, and the top ten percent had received more than $17.12. Joliet Jr. College’s veterinary medical technology program had begun in the year 1999. Its purpose of creation was because of the multiple requesting demands for veterinarian technicians, by veterinarians. The National Dissemination Center for Career and Technical Education declared in it its 2002 designation as a “Promising Postsecondary Program.” One hundred percent of the students passed the national board exam given to them. The students are continually educated on any current information. This program is about a ten thousand square foot area where students labor in open labs and study areas are housed. Architects have created a place where students can freely use the facility, built for them, as a veterinary clinical classroom. It has passed the U.S. Department of agriculture and the American Veterinarian Medical Association inspections. They learn how to use many of the technology used by veterinarian technicians. They are given hands on training by being assigned a cat or dog that they have to care for and give weekly physical exams to. They are required to record their findings, based on their assigned pet, and after they are through with that, a veterinarian writes them orders to execute by themselves on their own time. The article was not helpful because it talked about students attending a college, which I was not planning on attending. It helped me to still get an understanding on what veterinarian technicians do.

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